11 reasons to be single

1) You don’t have to buy presents

2) That entire pizza is all yours, don’t even bother with a plate

3) More time to focus on your friends and family

4) That entire blanket is yours too, no cold feet!

5) Taking hours to respond to texts isn’t the end of the world

6) Extra time for a new hobby (mine is writing, apparently)

7) Pick a tv show you want to watch without compromising

8) You don’t have to reassure anyone about their insecurities

9) Hot lingerie? Forget about it, cotton everything

10) Skip that shower if you feel like it

Finally, number 11, you can embrace change.  You can grow, meet new friends, form new opinions, and make spontaneous decisions.  Allow yourself to be molded by people, books, music, and the world.  Some of the strongest, bravest, most amazing, and most intelligent people I know are single.  Work on yourself, not others.  Don’t let anyone (not even you) make validation from a partner your number one priority.  Everyone will tell you the opposite of this.  Search “being single” and Google mockingly finishes your sentence with the word “sucks”.  Societal pressures are outrageous; my friends are turning into moms, wives, or so obsessed their significant others that they are failing classes.  Don’t be that person.  There’s more to life than your boyfriend/girlfriend.  Honestly, I’ve cared way too much about having a man in my life for a long time.  Now, I’m starting over:  Let’s do something different.  Chase dreams, not people.
